Nowadays, the math learning is an important step in developing professional\ncarriers in technical and economic sciences. Increasing the number of e-learning tools used\nin universities courses can reduce the potential barrier of access to mathematical knowledge,\nbut most of them are not accessible for impaired students. Moreover, classical printed math\nbooks include little explicit instructional information about structural information interpretations.\nTaking into account these barriers the article presents the developed method used for\ncreating interactive steps of decomposed math�s exercise solution and alternative description of\nmath formulas accessible for the blind. The elements of proposed methodology: generation of\nstate machine, design and presentation of transition conditions, generating the presentation\nlayer and a typical usage by a blind user are presented. A set of rules for describing\nmathematical formulas were proposed after consultation with mathematicians and teachers\nof blind people. The application was developed as web application. The graphical interface of\npresented application was designed using PHP and JavaScript technologies. The collection of\nprepared exercises include about 240 prepared exercises from different areas of mathematics and 60 selected exercises including alternative description layer. About 1000 students and\nabout 40 impaired students, from 6 faculties of the university use this platform during math\ncourses for both self and class learning. The defined rules were used to read aloud mathematical\nformulas to the visually impaired people with a different level of mathematical knowledge.\nThe results confirmed good understanding of mathematical formulas by using prepared\nalternative description.